How Afrikans Resist the New World Order

How Afrikans Must Prepare for the Coming Age

Tierney Peprah

7/1/20227 min read

Some of us don’t want to hear this, but the facts are piling up that we’re entering into a new era, ushered in by a new world system. This new world system will be controlled not by us, but by the globalists elites. In some ways, this new order will mirror what Afrikans have already experienced for hundreds of years: control, surveillance, mind manipulation, and militarization. In other ways, this new beast is unlike those of the past. The effectiveness of neocolonialism at hiding our true enemies behind Black faces who act as figureheads will only tighten the grips of perpetual subordination, as our people are less positioned today to formally address the colonial system than we were yesterday.

Many in the liberation space refuse to discuss the looming New World Order, perhaps because the young and aspiring activist cannot stomach the thought of struggling through yet another totalitarian system of control. I at one time wanted to hear nothing of the sort of any emerging new system of imperialism, and only wanted to believe in Afrikans defeating the current existing system. However, recent events including the pandemic, the Ukraine-Russia war, record inflation, decline of the US dollar, and digital surveillance among a whole host of other issues brought me to an undeniable reality. The elite have been preparing rapidly for this shift in power. It’s us who are left wishing and waiting for the opportunity to win on a battlefront rapidly disappearing.

I believe the New World Order is shortly approaching. And while I don’t know exactly how it will operate, I can see it looking something like globalization 4.0. We’re going to see the rich and powerful nations so rich and powerful that their authority to jointly claim total global authority will go unquestioned by smaller and poorer governments unable to compete with the power vacuum.

Foreseeably, Afrikan politicians who are already sold out to the current world order will not hesitate to jump at the opportunity to take subservient positions in the New World Order. Without strong and sustainable revolutionary movements, the current hold outs will be brought into submission by coups or military interventions. The groundwork has been laid for the colonial system to only become more centralized and powerful, and Afrika to continue to be the battery powering it.

Despite my predictions, my belief is that it is not our destiny as Afrikans to lay down and take it. Instead we must actively and consciously resist this new system. This requires us to understand that even if every Afrikan government is sold out to the wills of the elite, the impetus is on us to see ourselves as stateless, and instead have our destiny be determined by our willingness and ability to organize for the occasion. I do believe Afrikans can resist this new world order, if we have the will to resist. However, several areas of need must be solidified from an organized position.

Food Sovereignty

This action item is by far the most significant. If Rome collapses over our heads, are we prepared to not starve with the Romans?1. Unfortunately for many of us, current events have set the stage for our people to starve off before the Romans. I’m not going to rehash the severity of the food crisis for Afrika (see previous article "Food Shortage or a Strategic Genocide"), but to only say this. He who feeds you controls you.

The New World Order is counting on a world where Afrikans are hopelessly desperate and willing to trade over the last of their resources in place of a hand promising to perpetually feed us, although the Ukraine-Russia war and the prioritization of Ukrainians for food aid should have shown us that that is not always going to be the case. If Afrikans, however, seize the moment and become food sovereign, then and only then will the European run out of options to ensure compliance with their dictas and protocols.

Government Accountability

In Afrika, many of us dream of a revolutionary vanguard who will effectively mount a resistance against the centers of power. We crave another Nkrumah or Sankara to help take us to freedom and the realization of the Pan-Afrikan dream. While this dream should never ever fade, at the same time we must allow ourselves to actualize some form of sovereignty on the road to liberation from the tyrannical governmental structures that exist. While we wait for the season to change in our favor, we are forced to deal in some measure with the governments as they are.

We have to hold our governments accountable, but to achieve this we must first make ourselves knowledgeable of their crimes. Of course, their crimes are many, so the obvious question is where to begin. The goal is not always to make corrupt governments un-corrupt however, but to clearly identify who is doing what, where and how.

We ought to know in our communities, who are the decision makers. Then we must know what decisions they’re making. Then we must know who’s collaborating with the decision makers in making those decisions. From there we assess our targets. Is it the petty politician? Or a company whose efforts we need to sabotage? We’ll only know by consistently staying abreast of what our governments are doing both behind our backs and in front of our faces.

Community Self Defense

As we’ve seen with the increase in militarization both in Afrika and abroad, the New World Order will rely on the threat of violence to ensure compliance with the system. Even in countries in Afrika such as Rwanda or Ghana that are so called peaceful, it is not uncommon for Afrikan communities to fall under military directives and face gestapo-like tactics used to quell opposition.

This militarization of Afrikan communities is oftentimes overlooked when we talk about struggle. Most of us in the West offer simple fanciful solutions to Afrika’s problems, such as “just kick out the French,” “we have to get an atomic bomb,” “we need our own NATO” without understanding the amount of time and detail that went into the creation of the current global order, and how deeply entrenched Europe and America are in any areas of national defense.

We should understand clearly, even our best effort to arm ourselves with the gun will pale in comparison to that which the West has stockpiled. Understanding this reality, many Afrikans advocate for building close alliances with nations which are presently and historically enemies of the West, usually Russia and China. However, if the past has taught us anything, it’s that these alliances could easily flip in the opposite direction leaving the liberation movement alone and isolated. Personally, I think both powers will not only be unopposed to the New World Order, but will be co-captains along with Western powers, especially if we are to believe the predictions and plans coming from powerful entities such as the World Economic Forum, who advocate a “multipolar world order.” 2. Those who are in denial of China’s positioning in the New World Order should keep in mind that Chinese President Xi Jinping was the keynote speaker at this year's World Economic Forum in Davos.

If we’re taking the position of John Henrick Clarke that we “have no friends” then any attempts at a permanent solution must be dependent on only our relationships with ourselves. I don’t propose we mindlessly think we can or should compete with the West at their own game. However, increased emphasis on organizing and then arming effective resistance amongst ourselves is both critical and necessary to us advancing our right to sovereignty.

Prepare to Unplug from Social Media

This one is probably the hardest for our young people. Unplugging from social media is not immediately unplugging from the internet necessarily. But it is opting out of the social experiment and looking beyond characters and visuals for stimulation.

I believe sincerely that a day will come that every free Afrikan intending to obtain sovereignty will have to leave social media, and possibly the internet altogether. The distraction culture of trends, memes, and short video clips will become so strong and addicting as the conditions worsen in our real world experiences. All the while, while our people are more and more locked into the world of social media for a sense of meaning amongst the chaos, censorship and mass surveillance will become so structurally prevalent in the major networks that our subject matters will dwindle in substance. Essentially, we’ll be forced to engage in non-threatening engagements that mean nothing to the power structure, or else face digital banishment.

For this reason I advocate a true unplugging from social media now and not later. Unplugging doesn’t have to be ceasing all internet activity. But it should mean al transition from needing social media for the work you do to not needing it at all.

Waiting for the oppressor to cut off access as opposed to taking your own steps to limit dependence and need on social media means you’ll be more likely to capitulate to their protocol and water down content. You’ll also have room to explore less centralized options now than you may in the future.

These solutions are not end all be all. Our struggle continues even beyond the achievement of these gains until Afrikans everywhere are free. But the road to sovereignty is not paved, so it’s on us to do for self now as we see the global transition happening before our eyes. Even if it doesn't happen today or tomorrow, preparation begins now. As the prophet Marcus Garvey proclaimed:

Preparedness is the watch-word of this age. For us as a race to remain, as we have been in the past– divided among ourselves, parochializating, insularizing and nationalizing our activities as subjects and citizens of the many alien races and governments under which we live– is but to hold ourselves in readiness for the great catastrophe that is bound to come– the of racial extermination, at the hands of the stronger race– the race that will be fit to survive.” 3.

  1. Donald L. Wasson, Sack of Rome 410 CE, World History Encyclopedia,

  1. WEF, A multipolar world brings back the national champions, (Jan 16, 2019),

  1. Marcus Garvey, Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey, the Universal Publishing House, (1923).